Back at it after...
Now that a major personal project is effectively completed, I’m back working on the site!
Check out the gallery here or run over to @xterravich on instagram.
I won’t go into detail here, but I spent an extensive amount of time over the course of 3 years designing and building out this microCamper in my 2006 Nissan Xterra SE.
(that’s Bosch, he just turned 8 this Fall)
I also left Ringling College of Art and Design (where my course is STILL being taught almost identically!) and moved to Richmond, VA to join the Communication Arts faculty as a professor of concept design.
As I was saying....
I’ve been going through the front end pages to make sure I’m doing a better job communicating . So there’s a bunch of updated text and images from myself.
And more importantly,
my students.
I reached out to former students and they generously volunteered to provide me with testimonials to share with you.
That’s always a great trip down memory lane.
To complement, not compliment...
It’s one thing to talk about results or brag about my own skill set, it’s a whole other thing to show off the results. While I’m still in the middle of organizing things, I’m adding in former student work.
I love displaying student work. It shows what’s really possible for them and you.
I’ll toss a few into the gallery here too, but I’m including examples on other pages and within the courses themselves.
These are from the Moebius Minecraft Garden and Rhetorical Rooms course projects!
Available with the subscription!
Hopefully that will inspire you to see how much you can grow by starting to take action today.
Please check out the subscription options and share your growth with all of us!