
Foundations of Form & Covid Pt. 4

Continued Adventures in Covid Isolation!

Ready for the final section?

you probably heard by now that,



Foundations of Form

It’s all about learning to break things down into their basic Primitives (simple 3D forms) and then how to draw simple and complex objects from reference at any angle using simple perspective tricks and forms!



Right now and over the next couple of weeks the lessons will drop into the course.

Subscribers should check their Dashboard to jump into it!


The fourth final section is up NOW!


I’ll skip a few things here for later, but I finally finished the first section and since there are 5 days between classes, I took a little break and went to see some Fall colors in northern Georgia around the town of Dahlonega. Totally gorgeous.
I had a secondary purpose for that trip too. To test out my rig for a micro camper. At this moment it’s a no build set up. Just a mattress, window covers, curtain, assorted belongings and custom 12v water pump.
The ultimate plein air landscape painting mobile! I’m hoping to convert it totally during the next semester!
I finally finished recording all the videos that the students needed to complete their course material. One of the things I love about freshmen is that they have no prior real training (for the most part), so the fact that this course is completely different than what they would normally get anywhere else is completely invisible to them. It’s just challenges and information that must be dealt with now.
But, back to making this course. One of the things that must differentiate the course I made for my students and the one for here is that my university students and I meet each week for feedback. The one that resides here has to be able to exist independent from that.  You will want to be able to follow along, know the expectations and results without every needing to speak to me. Luckily my experiences with the students also helped answer that challenge.
However…when I sat down and looked at the over 120 lessons I prepared for them and realized it would simply be too much for a single course. Especially now that I need to backfill in some of the gaps and finish the final projects. It may get to around 150 lessons…
Looking over it, I realized that it would work really really well as a set of 5 sequential courses. Beginning with the current one, Foundations of Form.  That one is now complete.

So, if you haven’t yet, do check it out!

Current and future subscribers now have access to it!

For people new to the site you can sign up for a 3 day free trial to see all the courses before you need to pay for it.

For those that already took advantage of that in the past, I’ll leave a few of the lessons in the Sample Lessons. You get a link in your email to access that if you haven’t yet after you sign up for the myartprofessor newsletter.

I’m really excited about this course and the series that will follow over the next couple months as I go in and finalize projects, insert extra lessons etc to bring it all to finish.

Their working titles are:

  • Moebius Garden
  • Rhetorical Rooms
  • Isometric Diorama
  • Perspective, Lenses, & Composition

I’ll share more about them in the future.

You’ll see some other changes here on the site too as I come up for air that I think will simplify and organize things as I add more and more lessons here.

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