
20.05.31 Updates!

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Been a while! At the moment I’m still sporting my covid haircut!

You may have not have noticed, but the world went crazy there for a moment and appears to want add more fuel to the fire. I personally, like many of you, found that I had to adapt a lot to the new circumstances, especially when I had to update all of my university courses to teach them online over zoom and across multiple continents. Fortunately for me, I have experience teaching online through my efforts here, even so, I learned a lot of new things helping out my students. Experiences that I can apply here.

While I have not updated this blog in several months, there have been ongoing updates to the course materials since the last January update.

I completed the 2pt Perspective Course in April! All the content you need to master 1 & 2 Point Linear Perspective, well, it’s up and ready for you to dive in deep with!

And the MAPMonthlies (April & May) are now up to date as well, soon to be followed up with the June edition in the next week or so!

Along with these updates, I’m hard at work on organizing and preparing to build the next set of courses during the summer break. I’ve also been really active over on the rainlandstudios instagram account and now I’m nearly at 50 thousand followers!

Please let me know if you have any requests or questions!

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More to come!
Professor Sakievich

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