
The Site is Live!

I’m excited to announce that this site is live and fully operational! You can jump in and start improving your art skills NOW through the subscriptions! The first course is complete and it’s on 1 Point Perspective, which is a great place to start, even if you have ZERO drawing experience! You just need a limited a sharp pencil, ruler, paper, triangles and a compass (or your favorite digital art program!

The second course is in development and it’s on 2 Point Perspective. You’ll see me add that content in over the coming weeks as each lesson is completed!

There’s also great free content if you subscribe to the newsletter. (check your email inbox for the link to set up the free subscription content). It includes a video series (now edited and with commentary!) on an intense 2 Point Perspective illustration I did last summer, along with a selection of useful lessons from the courses. So, don’t hesitate to check it out and learn how myartprofessor.com can benefit your personal development on your artistic journey.

Do let me know what you think! I love constructive feedback so I can improve the quality of my work and teaching to better serve you.

This newblog will also see a lot more activity as I show lessons in progress, share social media posts, and other announcements!

Thank you so much for joining me here on myartprofessor.com!

Peter Sakievich

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