
my art professor

Sample Membership Course

Basic Activities You Can Use Today!
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Goals and Outcomes:

  • Master some unique and useful skills
  • Introduce growth mindsets for success
  • Discover what’s possible
  • Impress your mom!
  • Be fridge worthy!

follow my art instagrams and watch my livestreams here!

Welcome to myartprofessor.com! Let’s help get you through the Free Membership Course orientation! Understanding these basic instructions will help you take full advantage of what’s available to you here! First of all, what is here will change over time. As I add in new courses in the full membership, I will add in (and take away) lessons from here. My goal is to keep it at a manageable 20+ lessons. Often between or beyond 5-7 hours of free instructional content! What I put here will always be useful to you! So, check in from time to time, even after you complete everything!
Since, these are just samples and not complete courses, the order you complete the each Section is not important. But..Do complete each lesson in a section in order!
In a typical course, you’ll see the Introductory video, a list of Goals and Outcomes, a Gallery of images, and a text Introduction. Directly above is site navigation and a list of recent blog posts that go over updates or projects in progress for the site.
Just above the beginning of the Section and Lessons, you can see a Progress Bar (0% will say Get Started>>). You advance that progress bar by marking Lessons complete at the bottom of each Lesson’s page. You can always go back and mark them incomplete, but by marking them complete, it helps you keep track of how much you’ve done and will help you see if there’s something new for you!
Within each Lesson there’s usually a video, text instructions, gallery of images, and/or download links for activity files. Please watch/read/look/download everything that’s relevant to you for completing the activity.
As you complete specific activities, please post them to Instagram with the hashtag #myartprofessor so I can see what you’ve done!
Best! Your Art Professor,
Peter Sakievich

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