Moebius Minecraft Garden

Goals and Outcomes:
- Master the basic essentials of precise 1 Point Perspective
- Render Perfect 3D Primitives in 1 Point Perspective
- Render Circles as Ellipses in 1 Point Perspective
- Utilize Dynamic Composition with a Foreground, Background and Midground
- Practice Moebius style rendering with Technical Pens (Micron type)
- Develop the basic illustration steps of research, development & finish
- Maintain consistency through style, form language, and technique
Welcome to 1 Point Perspective and The Moebius Minecraft Garden!
During this course you will learn to understand and manipulate 1 Point Perspective, Basic Primitives, and the creation of space in a dynamic composition through the use of Foreground, Midground & Background. Basic Primitives are used to construct a scene while keeping their character as a practical application of Form Language, then study and apply textures to their surfaces.
You will also master the Technical Pen through the study and imitation of the master comics artist Moebius (Jean Giraud) to develop the final illustration and textures.
Watch each video, calmly listen, move on to the Activities, then try out the processes as you see instructed in the video. Carefully complete them IN ORDER! The demos help you understand the technical concepts built into the final project. They are vital to complete before each and every Activity.
Good luck and be sure to share your work and progress on Instagram with the tag #myartprofessor!
past students' final projects!
What you’ll need!
1 Point Perspective Basics 01
Overview of the 1 Point Perspective Space and Important Terms.
Setting up your working space in 1 Point Perspective
How to render a perfect even-sided square.
The secret of the perfect squared grid.
Let’s practice setting up the space, the perfect square, & the squared grid!
Let’s look at the most essential 3D Primitive in Perspective.
Master the perfect cube!
The other simple 3D Primitives in 1 PT.
Now let’s practice building the Pyramid & Wedge.
Project: Minecraft Garden Part 01
Time to begin your applied project!
Let’s get the basic plan for your composition.
Use your grid to build the surrounding elements.
Get the tree started.
Extrude the Trunk!
Get those branches stretched out!
1 Point Perspective Basics 02
Let’s learn about Circles in 1 Point Perspective.
Render perfect Circles as Ellipses!
Take those Circles and make them 3 dimensional!
Make Cylinders, Cones, and Spheres!
Design and render schematics!
Design and render your own basic schematic!
Project: Minecraft Garden Part 02
Time to grow some leaves.
Build a shed!
Let’s add some rounded elements!
Now to get specific!
What can you see in the clouds?
Now let’s finalize our set up in the Rough
Technical (micron type) Pen Inking Technique
Let’s look at some basic Technical Pen skills.
Now let’s look at the technique of Jean Giraud (Moebius).
Let’s practice the Moebius Technique!
How does this technique work on 3D forms?
Now let’s practice this in 3D!
Let’s study by copying!
Moebius technique with value and surface textures!
Now to practice value & textures!
Project: Moebius Minecraft Garden Part 03
Develop a texture sample sheet!
A timelapse of the remaining textures needed for the demo illustration.
Instructions for your texture samples.
Make the final Comp!
Timelapse for finishing the Comp drawing.
Notes on transferring your comp to the final surface.
Finally! Time to begin inking the final illustration!
Timelapse of the final inking process.
Congratulations! Here’s some notes on the end!