

transforming hundreds & hundreds of students into professionals since 2004

Drawing Repair Kit Part 02

 Welcome back!

You did your homework, right??

All of it?


Drawing this way probably feels a little different than what you’re used to.

BUT, this really is the simplest small thing that can make the biggest difference.

That’s the step-by-step approach I take with students just like you.

You start small, learn that skill and then move forward. 

That’s how you grow over time to master drawing.

Let’s combine a new skill with the previous one to help take your drawings even further.

Make Your Drawings Feel 3D

Don’t look at the PreTest! You’ll ruin the surprise.

DO get some more paper and a sharpened pencil.

Watch the video, follow along, and then do the homework below!

Play Video

That was easy, right?

Especially now that you already know how to hold a pencil.

Your first try won’t be perfect, mine never are, but…they’ll be a lot better than before.

You’ll feel a little unsteady at first, which is very common.

Later on, like all my students, you will forget that you ever lacked the ability to make a confident line.

Combining beautiful lines with seeing the 3D structure of everything around you will become a natural draftsman.

Just by knowing these tools exist make it a lot easier to see that you can draw anything at all.

Even from a single simple, short video.

Combine and multiply each new skill and over time and you’ll go much much further.

Really, no talent required!

By the way, my favorite definition of talent is:

“Talent is just another word for the love of a thing.”


Complete the following

  • Look at the everyday simple objects around you and sketch them as 3D Primitives using the ideas you learned today.  (no details!)
  • Try and fill 3 pages (or twenty objects/scenes) with these sketches.
  • Go back and review this lesson and the previous one!
  • Comment below!
    • What kind of change is possible for you?
    • What’s something you’ve improved at over time and how did you know when you improved?
  • Remember to share your project activities on Instagram with the hashtag #myartprofessor, so I can see it!
  • Follow my instagrams RainlandStudios, PeterSakievich, & MyArtProfessor
  • For live streams (the instagrams!) Twitch and Youtube @myartprofessor!


In the next one, you’ll combine your confident Line Work with these 3D Primitives to sketch every day real things around you!

Talk to you soon!


Prof. Peter Sakievich

P.S. I think by the end of the next one you’ll soon see that drawing and sketching are actually really simple. It removes the frustration and brings the fun. Greater complexity comes from your subject and the levels of detail that you choose. But simple sketching using these skills…is often more than enough!

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