
transforming hundreds & hundreds of students into professionals since 2004

Drawing Repair Kit Part 01

These first steps will help the most with a little practice!

I know how frustrating it can be to miss out on some basic drawing techniques. Sometimes drawings can feel a little clunky or awkward and you’re not sure why.

That can really get in your way.

Even though a lot can go into making a drawing amazing, there’s just a few things that make the biggest difference to my students at the very beginning.

I’ve tested this learning process on hundreds and hundreds of students since 2004 and it instantly changes everything for them overnight.

They pay thousands of dollars in university tuition to master this skill, but today I’m giving it out for free.

The difference will seem like magic, even though it’s so simple and easy.

Actually, it is obvious once you know what it is!

You don’t need any special or expensive tools, software, hardware or even any technical knowledge.

Let’s get started!


Let's Try Something Out Here

  1. Grab a few sheets of paper (any kind will do) and a sharpened pencil.
  2. Watch the video below.
  3. Follow the instructions (including when I ask you to pause and do something!).
  4. Then do the listed homework below the video!
Play Video

Easy Enough, Right?

Don’t skip the first part! It’s really important.

That’s a really simple change, that anyone can make.

It adds life to your drawings, instantly, just by how you hold your tool and move your shoulder.

Once you get a little practice, your confidence will increase.


Complete the following
  • Use a few pages and just practice holding the tool (check the video) and then make those soft and sharp lines using the techniques I showed you! (Go back and review as often as necessary). I would fill a few pages. 3 or more. Really look for those SMOOTH shoulder movements.
  • Make a comment below
    • Let me know what you’ve done from the free course material and how it worked out for you.
  • ALSO! Post your work on Instagram using the hashtag #myartprofessor (I follow that one!) So I can see what you’ve done!
  • Follow my instagrams @RainlandStudios, @PeterSakievich, & @MyArtProfessor
  • Go here to watch my live streams (on the instagrams!) Twitch and Youtube @myartprofessor!


Do your homework and watch for the next one where you’ll learn how to combine this technique with learning How To SEE and Draw In 3D.
Prof. Peter Sakievich
P.S. By the way…this technique doesn’t ONLY work for pencils, try it with charcoal/pastel sticks and markers. When making the soft sideways mark, how WIDE can you make it with a charcoal or pastel stick? Can you make it wider or narrower in a single stroke?
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